Laser Materials - Anodised Aluminium

It's amazing what can be marked by lasers. Here at Lasermark Engraving we have been asked to laser mark/engrave everything from the usual metals & plastics to fruit (watermelon & citrus specifically). We have the lasers necessary to mark & cut a large variety of materials.

A hand removing a completed laser job from one of our laser machines

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07 3279 2674

Anodised Aluminium

Hard wearing, laser engraved tags and plates are corrosion resistant with the ability to handle the extremes of temperature without fading. This makes laser marked anodised aluminium ideal for barcodes, identification plates and engraved tags for use in the industrial and electrical situations..

The laser removes the anodized layer creating a highly visible mark between the colour of the anodized layer and the natural aluminium beneath. We mainly laser engrave black anodized aluminium because of the high to contrast, however a multitude of colours are available for delivery Australia wide.

matte black Anodised Aluminium with the Lasermark logo lasered on to the surface
Boom Head mounted Rhino Hook Specifications  tag laser engraved on black anodised aluminium
Blue Anodised Aluminium that has been laser marked with our Lasermark logo as a sample
serial number laser engraved on black anodise aluminium